







十大菠菜靠谱平台坚信学生早期接触职业可能性的价值. 在职业领域获得观察和实践经验在很多重要方面会影响你的职业选择.

Freshman Admission

十大菠菜靠谱平台的录取是在秋季和春季学期的滚动基础上授予的. 我们鼓励未来的新生在完成高中三年级后尽早申请.



  • Standardized test scores (ACT or SAT) are not required for admission but may be helpful for Merit Scholarship consideration.
  • 申请是根据学生在三年级结束时的正式高中成绩单进行评估的th grade) to determine initial acceptance and reevaluated after the student’s high school graduation to determine final acceptance.
Minimum GPA and ACTAcceptance Condition
2.75 GPA with 20 ACTUnconditional
2.75–2.平均绩点99分,没有考试成绩有条件入学资格. 有条件接受将收取额外费用. 


  • Standardized test scores (ACT or SAT) are not required for admission but may be helpful for Merit Scholarship consideration.
  • 申请是根据学生在三年级结束时的正式高中成绩单进行评估的th grade) to determine initial acceptance and reevaluated after the student’s high school graduation to determine final acceptance.
  • 如果一个高中生的成绩在被录取后低于必要的最低高中平均绩点, 该学生的奖学金不会改变, 但是参加某些项目的资格, 包括NCAA的体育项目, could be jeopardized.
Minimum GPA and ACTAcceptance Condition
2.75 GPA with 20 ACTUnconditional


Note: Students who are admitted by December 1 for the following fall term and who qualify may apply for consideration for 学业优异奖学金.

  • Submit your 入学申请.
  • 要求你高中的正式成绩单. Note that:
    • 你的成绩单应该包括你大四的课程表.
    • 如果你被录取了,你必须在高中毕业后寄第二份正式成绩单.
    • 如果你已经获得了GED, 除了你的高中成绩单外,你还必须提交官方分数报告.
  • If you choose to submit official ACT or SAT test scores (to be used for Merit scholarship consideration) your scores may be sent directly from the testing agency or may be included on your official high school transcript.
    • 十大菠菜靠谱平台的ACT代码是0018
    • 十大菠菜靠谱平台的SAT代码是1303
  • 在秋季入学前一年的12月1日之后开始财务援助申请流程. See studentaid.gov to get started.

在您完成申请流程后, 您的档案将被评估,并将尽快作出决定. 录取决定是在滚动的基础上做出的.


Office of Admission
Huntingdon College
1500 E. Fairview Avenue
(334) 833-4497

Transfer Q & A

Transfer Admission

Huntingdon College welcomes applications from students who wish to transfer from other regionally accredited colleges and universities. Transfer applications are reviewed and admission decisions are reached after the required information has been received by the Office of Admission.



  • Applications from transfer students who have completed 24 or more non-remedial semester hours are evaluated based on college credit earned. 高中成绩单和标准化考试成绩不被考虑在内. 累积平均绩点2分.无条件录取需要50学分的可转换课程.
  • Applications from transfer students who have earned fewer than 24 non-remedial semester hours but who are currently enrolled “in progress” with the necessary number of credit hours to meet the 24-hour threshold are evaluated based on college work only.
  • Applications from transfer students who have earned fewer than 24 semester hours are evaluated based on guidelines for freshman admission, 包括高中成绩单.
  • Submit the 入学申请.
  • 提交所有就读大学的正式成绩单. 如果你被大学录取了, 需要提供第二份成绩单,表明学期结束并有资格返回该机构.

转移奖学金 是由学生的累积学业平均成绩决定的吗. 曾就读多于一所专上院校的学生, 学业平均绩点将从所有就读的学院和大学计算.

You may begin the 按需资助 在秋季入学前一年的12月1日之后申请.


Office of Admission
Huntingdon College
1500 E. Fairview Avenue
(334) 833-4497

Other Admission


  • 重新入学-以前被录取并希望申请重新入学的学生.
  • 特殊学生——不攻读学位,但愿意参加学分课程的学生.
  • 临时学生——在其他学院注册的访问学生.

因为处理国际学生入学的费用过高, 十大菠菜靠谱平台目前不处理国际学生的申请.



如果你是前十大菠菜靠谱平台的学生,希望回到十大菠菜靠谱平台,请提交一份 入学申请 到招生办公室. Students who have attended other institutions during their absence from Huntingdon must have official transcripts and financial aid transcripts (whether aid was received or not) sent from each institution attended. 作为重新录取过程的一部分,可能需要面试. Students who are readmitted must receive clearance from the Office of 学生财务服务 and the Registrar’s Office before they may register and attend classes. Please refer to the 十大菠菜靠谱平台十大菠菜靠谱老平台 学位要求可能发生的变化.

Students who do not wish to seek a degree but who would like to enroll for one or more courses should print and complete the 特殊学生入学申请(pdf)提交给十大菠菜靠谱平台招生办公室,地址:1500 E. Fairview Ave.,蒙哥马利,36106. Part-time, non-degree-seeking学生, 指定为特殊学生, 可以透过注册处注册普通课程吗. 注册须受以下限制:

  • Prospective Special students must confirm their completion of high school or the GED and provide all previous college transcripts, 或者必须得到教务处的批准.
  • An individual denied admission to Huntingdon College as a degree-seeking student is not eligible to register as a Special student.
  • 特殊学生未经教务处批准,不得选修300人以上班级.
  • 在作为特殊学生完成四门课程后, 学生的累积平均绩点必须达到2分.0或更高才能继续作为特殊学生.
  • 对上述任何限制的豁免,只可由教务处批准.
  • Payment arrangements for Special students must be made in accordance with the policies set forth for regular students as defined in the 十大菠菜靠谱平台十大菠菜靠谱老平台.
  • Special students will be charged at the same rate per credit hour as regular students; are not eligible to live in residence halls or to participate in intercollegiate athletics or fraternity or sorority membership; and are not eligible for any Huntingdon College scholarships or Title IV federal funds.
  • If a Special student subsequently meets regular eligibility admission requirements and chooses to become a degree-seeking student, 以前就读的学院和大学的成绩单将被评估.
  • 在被指定为特殊学生期间获得的任何学分都适用于十大菠菜靠谱平台寻求的学位.
  • Special students must adhere to the same institutional academic policies (except as noted above) as regular students.

Transient status is available to students regularly enrolled and in good standing at another college or university who desire to attend Huntingdon College. 可考虑暂时入学, submit a letter of good standing or a transient form indicating good standing and pre-approved courses from your home institution. 这些信息应在注册时提交给十大菠菜靠谱平台注册办公室.


Office of Admission
Huntingdon College
1500 E. Fairview Avenue
(334) 833-4497

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